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September 23, 2005

Tense agreement

I just finished a first pass through a long article on the Royal Ballet. Yes, from June. It's quite late; it just didn't seem to want to get written. I had to comb through it to achieve some consistency in tense usage - something I always have to watch for. My notes are usually written in present tense and it gives a sense of immediacy, but it reads strangely if you're reading the article months after the performance.

In this article and in most of my current work, I'm using tenses as follows.

Discussing "eternal" qualities of the production that will not change (even if the person discussed is dead) - present tense: Ashton's use of pointe work is subtle.

Discussing qualities of a dancer that extend beyond the instant performance - present tense: He is more comfortable dancing than acting.

Discussing the qualities of the specific performance - past tense: The dancers performed as if by rote.

I'd be interested in hearing how other people handle tense usage.

Posted by Leigh Witchel at September 23, 2005 1:05 AM

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Hey, Leigh! I came upon your blog today and have been reading with much interest. I came here for the knitting, but have been savoring all the dance talk. I am a former dancer wannabe. My only claim to fame is that while I was in junior high, and he was in high school, I was partnered a lot by Jay Jolley (we are both from small, neighboring towns in Utah and took classes from the same teacher). Jay was fantastic and destined for great things. Have you had the pleasure of meeting him?

Anyway, glad to have found you and plan on lots of pleasuarable reading in the future.


P.S. I think your tense solution is great.

Posted by: Kristy at September 23, 2005 1:24 PM

Hi Kristy!

I did meet Jay Jolley, on New Year's Eve '95/6. He was at a party given at Jeannie Steele's apartment. My friend, Matt Mohr, danced with Merce Cunningham's company, and Jeannie did as well. I can't remember who brought Jolley, but it was a professional colleague as I recall rather than a date. We spoke briefly - small talk. He wouldn't recall it, I am sure. Good looking guy, but I've always had a weakness for a man who knows how to wear a suit.

Posted by: Leigh Witchel at September 24, 2005 2:32 AM

Honest to the gods, I just go with whatever the style is where I'm writing. Your criteria make sense, though.

Posted by: sandi at September 27, 2005 1:00 AM

Doing final polishing on the article, what I really had to watch for is switching tenses within paragraphs. It's because of later additions to earlier notes, and I don't stay consistent without combing through things.

Posted by: Leigh Witchel at September 28, 2005 2:11 AM

I was taught Eng. Lit. (to my completed PhD) by New Critics (Leavisites here in the UK) who taught me that texts for discussion exist here & now, even if they werec written 500 years ago. So I think your use of tenses appropriate, as they articulate your relationship to the work you're discussing & your sense of their history.

Posted by: Kate at October 1, 2005 3:22 PM

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