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May 16, 2005

Current Knitting


I often catch up on knitting during the travel time on a trip. I managed to squash the poncho into my luggage, and got it to the bottom garter edge.

I also brought a tunic I started in 2003 and let languish. It's made from variegated (peach/purple/blue) rayon ribbon that's probably close to two decades old called "Whispers". I ripped a portion back from an early machine knitting project that looked shapeless and awful. I’m knitting this in a slip stitch pattern called “Little Tents” (from the Walker Treasuries) in a firm gauge on a US 6 needle. It shimmers beautifully. I improvised an elegant and simple waist shaping by gradually decreasing the three garter stitches between each “tent” down to two and then reversing the shaping. This was photographed on Saturday in Toronto. I'm probably only a bit under the underarm by now.

Posted by Leigh Witchel at May 16, 2005 11:33 PM

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I am surprised that in this post-9/11 travel nightmare world that prohibits nail clippers as weapons and forces the use of plastic cuttlery in 1st class, that knitting needles have not been banned from airplanes.

Posted by: Steve at May 17, 2005 12:22 AM

Right now knitting needles are not on the FAA banned list. It was much harder to bring knitting on a plane for a while, especially traditional straight metal knitting needles. Circular needles, especially those made out of plastic and wood, are not a problem - I have only been asked once (on BMI) to put away my knitting. Mostly the flight attendants want to know what you're making.

Posted by: Leigh Witchel at May 17, 2005 12:26 AM

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