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May 31, 2006


When I travel to see dance, I'm always waiting and hoping for the thing that confirms why I crossed a continent or an ocean to see it. It took a while to happen here. Performances had been middling either because of the choreography (the Chemiakin Nutcracker and Magic Nut are not distinguished works) or casting - the top stars aren't dancing this weekend. The tourists don't seem to care; I'm not sure they even know what they are looking at. The theater is chaotic; flashbulbs pop regularly even after warnings in English and Russian. Seats aren't always clearly marked; some people sit wherever seems likely and only move when the rightful occupant shows up with a ticket and no one seems to find this unusual.

But then on Monday night the swans came in during Act II of Swan Lake in perfect sisterhood and all was forgiven. My Mariinsky moment finally came.

Posted by Leigh Witchel at May 31, 2006 12:01 AM

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